Roles and Privileges

There are no anonymous API calls. Each API call is performed as a specific SellerCenter user (specified by the UserID parameter and signed by a matching API key). The user must have a certain role to be able to call a method, as detailed below:


Methods available

Seller API Access


Seller API Product Access

GetProducts, ProductCreate, ProductUpdate, ProductRemove, Image, GetBrands, GetCategoryTree, GetCategoryAttributes, GetAttributes, FeedList, FeedOffsetList, FeedCount, FeedStatus, FeedCancel

Seller API Order Access

GetOrders, GetOrder, GetOrderItems, GetMultipleOrderItems, SetStatusToCanceled, SetStatusToReadyToShip, SetStatustoShipped, SetStatusToFailedDelivered, SetStatusToDelivered, GetFailureReasons, GetShipmentProviders